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HR Legal Forum

HR Legal Forum | New Laws and Updates for HR Compliance ABOUT THE LEARNING EVENT: Important updates and laws are being implemented which HR professionals need to know. This session provides an overview of the important points affecting HR policies and a forum for discussing situations and issues related to these. A must-attend seminars for …

Beating Stress in the Workplace

Work-related stress can seriously affect your emotional, mental and physical well-being. Today, let me share with you some of my favorite quick and easy stress-busters to help you beat stress. Get Organized Personally, my number one go-to stress reliever is cleaning and organizing my things (i.e. desk, cabinet, bag, bed, wallet, etc.). There is something very …

Job Hunting Etiquette

Last week, a group of new graduates dropped by our office and asked if there were any job vacancies.  Our receptionist told them that they can leave their resumes and she’ll hand it to the HR department.  Surprisingly, they did not have any resumes with them— Yikes! This is like entering a battlefield without any …