Many people nowadays do not just depend on one source of income. Opportunities to earn extra income, to prepare for the future or transition to another career abound. One of the more lucrative opportunities available is a career in Training. If you have very good communication skills, years of work experience and more importantly, a …
Author: admin
I enjoy cramming. There’s nothing like the adrenalin rush that goes through your veins knowing that the eleventh hour is fast approaching. I noticed that whenever I crammed, my senses were more alert; my mind was clearer and my memory, fresh. Beating deadlines is exhilarating, until of course, you experience an extremely stressful situation where …
There are generally three types of worker bees in every office: those who act busy only when the boss is around, those who are busy but can’t seem to finish the job on time and those who are busy but gets the job done. The first type of worker bee, those who act busy only …